Thursday, January 9, 2014

Current Beauty Goals

Hello there!

I always get very inspired by these posts, not sure why but I accomplished all but 1 of my last 5 beauty goals so hopefully I can do as well this time!

1) 7 Day cleanse

Last Sunday I started a detox cleanse, a change in diet designed to rid your body of some of the harmful chemicals and toxins found in processed foods, something I normally eat plenty of. But after the holidays I decided this would help me spring into the new year with a healthier diet which is one of my 10 resolutions. The cravings are hard and the food isn't all that good but I'm adamant to stick through it and be a better me :)

2) Paint my nails more often

I have all of these new polishes and have touched them exactly once, so I'd like to get into the habit of painting my nails more often and get that nice manicured look without having to spend half an hour correcting my nails. 

3) Find the ultimate acne solution

This was on my last goals post and I did accomplish it somewhat, it's greatly improved though still quite noticeable. I've been using the original Proactiv wash for the past month and just ordered their new solution Proactiv+ so here's to hoping it works!

4) Work on new hairstyles

My hair is the stubborn kind of curly, I've gotten some amount of control over it but I'm pretty limited in the number of things I can do with it. I'm hoping to find something new to do with it soon though I may have to log a couple hours in front of the bathroom mirror before I can do that :)

5) Start dressing nicer

It was one of my new year's resolutions and I'm really looking forward to doing it but I keep making up excuses not to do it. I need to start trying to actually fill this resolution (scary but I'm determined)

Somehow goals work really well for me, I'm ok at sticking to them and getting (at least some of) them done so here's to hoping I actually finish these ones and I hope you enjoyed!

Comment below: what are your goals at the moment? I'd love to hear!

Have a Wonderfully Accomplished Day!
Mia B <3

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