Monday, October 21, 2013

Cleaning Oily Hair!

Hello there!

So I saw a trick awhile ago on Pinterest or Tumblr somewhere and maybe the rest of the world knows this but it's amazing! So for the past few years I've had an oily spot on the back of my head. Dead center in the back, every single day no matter how much shampoo I scrubbed through it, it would ALWAYS be greasy. But the other day I decided to try this trick and I'm now in love...

So just mix in about 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda (I know, weird) with your shampoo, which will make it very thick and a bit harder to scrub but bear with me and scrub it, really actually scrub it throughout your hair and I promise, especially for those of us that use hair product, your hair will feel amazing. Like I can't stop flipping it everywhere and playing with it because it feels really light and clean and far less oily. It even gives my hair more volume without making it frizzy.

I have to use hair product so that this curly mane doesn't get out of control...

one of my particularly interesting hair days...

But I'm excited that I've finally found a way to clean it all out every once in awhile. I only wish I had a before and after picture to show how well this worked. I used to have to burn that oily spot on the back of my head with the straightener until smoke was rising up to temporarily get rid of it but it's been 3 days and my hair is lighter than ever and hasn't been oily once.

Sorry if this sounds like a sales pitch, which it kind of does but I'm just really excited about it...

Anyways, do you have any other interesting hair tricks? Leave them in the comments below!

Have an absolutely wonderful day!
Mia B <3

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