Friday, October 25, 2013

What I Do When Life Gets Rough

Hello there!

So recently, I've been through it. Everyday so much seems to go wrong but I guess that we all have to at some point, right? And I'm sorry that I have no beauty-related post for you today (though I promise tomorrow's is good, well I'm excited) however I still wanted to post. And recently I've found that I'm just trying to find ways to stay sane and happy and I know it's similar to what I wrote about yesterday and I'm sorry but here's 5 things I do when life gets rough:

1. Hang Out with My Cat

All day at school I could only think about how excited I was to come home and see my wonderful cat and I just sat with her for the last hour but I love hanging out with her. You know pets are known to reduce heart problems for their owners ;)

2. Find my Favorite Foods
If you came to my house right now, you'd find a highly sweetened Arizona Tea next to my deliciously unhealthy Swedish Fish that I'm eating now that I've finished my McDonald's. Seriously, I know it's ridiculously unhealthy and I'll be paying this all back later on, exercising but right now, in this moment, it's all I want.

3. Visit a New World

I know we can't all travel, around Earth or the infinite possibilities of other worlds but there are so many other ways to travel, most of which you can find in almost any type of art. Whether you read a book and visit the world of Narnia in the book the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe or visit Panem in the movie the Hunger Games or visit olden France where girls get to wear the beautiful dresses in this new TV series, Reign. We have a world full of crazy, wonderful art that brings us to new places we never could have imagined in writing, photography, paintings, music, film, and within each we find endless possibilities that have always helped me escape whatever terrible situation or emotions I was stuck in.

4. Get comfy

Today when I got home from school I changed into leggings, took out my hair, and climbed in bed. Even now I'm sitting on my couch with my soft blanket. I know that it's been proven somewhere that we feel better when we're snuggled and feel comfortable. Grabbing a blanket, a teddy bear, wearing whatever in the world I want, and just being comfortable will always make me feel better

5. Get it OUT

I know everyone deals with difficulties different but as humans, we have to get these emotions out. Whether you like to talk it out, write it down, work it off, cry it away, or turn emotions into art, it's hard to get through things if you bottle it all up, believe me, personal experience. It's so much better to get it out and push through the storm. I love to write, I write songs, write in a diary, write a blog. I just write because it makes me feel refreshed and like the world will keep spinning and my life will keep going, no matter the situation.

Believe me, I'm no psychology expert, I just like to find ways to make myself happy when I'm down and I always hope to help anyone who wants to listen to the very little wisdom I've learned over my few years.

Anyways, what do you do when life gets rough? Do we have any similar ones? Leave your answers in the comments below

Have a Wonderfully Happy day!
Mia B <3

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