Sunday, August 18, 2013

Inspiration Sunday #2!

Hello there!
Welcome to another Inspirational Sunday here on my blog!
Continuing with my LOVE of quotes and the dream, dream, dream post I did earlier this week here, this week's post is going to be about DREAMING! One of my favorite things to talk about.
To start off here's one from Taylor Swift that really touches me because I've experienced pain and I've let it destroy me before but lately I've learned to let it drive me and inspire me to do exactly what she says here: to dream bigger and work harder. having people bring you down and cause you pain is one of the worst feelings in the world but those people that are strong enough to let it drive them are amazing and inspirational. But I think it takes an extreme amount of pain to learn to let it drive you to something better.

Ever since I was a kid you know you hear the whole go to college, get a stable, good paying job bit from my parents. It's good advice of course but then you grow older and find your passions and sometimes figure out that your plans differ from their plans for you and it's terrifying because of the uncertainty of the entire situation. Anyone who wants to be an actor or musician or any one of those high risk jobs reaches a fork in the road around 18 and making that decision is scary, what if we choose wrong? We could end up without a job, homeless or with a good job that we absolutely hate. It's not a question of what you value more happiness or stability. Most would choose happiness if they could. But it's more of a question of risk.
What will happen, who will stand by you if you take that risk and how long is too long? It's probably the most stressful decision I've ever faced and I'm scared to make it this year. If I go for the risky decision I wouldn't even know where to start but I could attain one of the best lives in the world. I've watched so many people regret abandoning their dreams and I would hate to end up like that but I would hate to end up 35 years old with absolutely no job or education. But if I went for it, I could get a beautiful thing. Having my career and my passion come together.
So I like this quote because it is true (got it from Shay Mitchell's blog as you can see but my computer won't let me crop screenshots apparently). But there is a time when it's too much. Shay Mitchell has a smaller acting job but PLL is an extremely popular show and her job is stable, she makes plenty of money to survive. There are musicians living homeless on the streets because of things like this. In my opinion, after awhile there is a point where if the dream isn't working, we have to give up. I'm all for following your dream and this part sounds really pessimist but I think most would agree that we can't wait forever.
Which brings me to the next point. We can't just wait on our dreams. They're something to be worked for and strived for. Occasionally someone comes along that was handed their dreams but most of the time a lot of hard work was put into it. I've watched people wait around for their dreams to come true but I think that if you have a dream and you're sitting around waiting for it then you don't deserve it. The people who attain their dreams are generally the most determined people you can find because they know how to work hard for what they want.
This goes along with the last one. There are a few impossible things in the world, I'll admit it but most of the time they're just improbable and with enough hard work they could become possible and I think that many people see improbable as can't because it would take work which most people hate. But plan out all the improbable roadblocks that could happen and figure out how to plan around them. There's a reason dreams are improbable and a reason that improbable doesn't always mean impossible.  
Which brings me to my final wonderful quote here. The dreamers who sit there and believe that things are impossible will never attain things. If you are brave enough to believe in your dreams, work hard for them and don't give up when people say no. If you're going to be the one to break the barriers of ordinary and extraordinary fight for it. Fight for it with everything you have, every wit and all your might. Just fight and DONT GIVE UP.

That's just some of my favorite quotes that make an argument for that split in the road that I'm at. To go for it or lead the normal life? Probably the hardest and most stressful decision I have ever had to make. I've been thinking about it for over a year and I constantly go back and forth. College apps come out soon so I should make my decision by then but the future is so uncertain that it kills me sometimes.
Comment below with any dreams you have or any inspiration you've found for them. I'd absolutely love to hear it. Thanks for reading!
Have a wonderfully inspirational day!
Mia B <3

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