Sunday, August 11, 2013

Inspirational Sundays!

Hi there lovely people!

So today is Sunday, I'm really not a huge fan of Sundays because if today is Sunday that means that tomorrow I have to go back to school. Not a fan of that either. But tomorrow we all go back to our routine lives with things we generally don't want to do, except for those lucky few who have life figured out and get to do things they love. I'm happy for you if you do, I really am.

But for those of us still stuck in the boring world (SCHOOL) I thought that we could all use a Sunday pick-me-up so I'm introducing... *drumroll* INSPIRATIONAL SUNDAYS onto my blog!!! :)

I really love quotes, I think they are the coolest thing in the world and I continually pin them on pinterest and save them onto any device I happen to have near me at the time. They make me think while inspiring me to help more, work harder, and be a better person in general.

So today I thought I'd share this lovely one with you all...

This one really struck me today because for about the past 6 months I've been going through a bit more of a financial rough patch. My makeup is all drugstore, I broke my iPhone 4s and am slowly saving up for a new one, and I can't just buy things like I used to.
I know that may seem petty and terrible because yes there are plenty of people out there who don't have money for any of the nice things that I am blessed with and I always try to keep this in mind.
But we as people can get so caught up in this world of who has the best everything that we forget what truly matters and that is who we are, more of what we do than what we have. I only hope that whenever I reflect back on my life I can remember moments. Moments that I felt so alive and amazing that I can't even believe they happened.
I feel like this ties into this wonderful quote from Doctor Who:

Over my teenage years I've watched so many people focus so much on their careers and material possessions that they completely forgot to live and that makes me so sad because I'm terrified that I will never find out how to live.
My time now is spent on the internet, at school, or playing guitar. Which I love writing this blog (that I'm pretty sure no one reads) and going on social media. And playing guitar is probably my favorite thing in the world. But I never do anything with people and I don't know if I ever will. I hope you guys are living better than I am and collecting moments that you'll look back on and cherish because they were absolutely amazing.
Anyways that's my input on living in the moment and being adventurous. If any real people are reading this would you mind leaving a comment? It could be anything, put cat if you want or even a single letter. Honestly it would just help if I knew I was spending hours of my time for any single person rather than wasting it on absolutely nothing.
Thanks so much! Have a wonderfully lively day!
Mia B <3

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