Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Decorating

Hello there!

So Spring hit last week and I am getting excited. I love all of the seasons and every new one puts an extra jolt in my step even though California is acting like winter at the moment. I especially enjoy redecorating my room to somehow match the seasons and Spring is no exception.

Today I went out to my front yard and cut some beautiful orange roses to keep around my room in these cute little glass jars. I liked the ideas of surrounding it with tiny flowers and leaves so I made one of each and love them both. 

I liked them on the sides of my cable box to brighten up a dull area

And next to my quote board to make my nightstand even more inspirational

I filled them both with water however my annoying kitten came in overnight and decided the roses were his new toys so they were destroyed and I refilled them with the smaller orange flowers. However I will probably just end up buying some fake flowers. 

I really want to fill my room with flowers, I found several ideas with flowers and other beautiful things on Pinterest (see my board here). 

For me, part of Spring decorating is Spring cleaning which I've done a bit of and hope to do more of throughout the season even though I'm moving in 4 months and will completely clean out then. 

I went through my dresser and weeded out things to give away and things to store until Winter rolls around again. I always find new clothes I've forgotten about and think of new outfits so double plus there.

This is my nightstand drawer, I always keep a few notebooks to write in (which I love doing), paper and whiteboard utensils, a lighter for the candles I always have burning, and random bits and bobs in the little bag. 

I feel like having a cluttered room (even when you can't see it) clutters my mind a bit and I always feel this sense of ease when everything is organized, maybe I'm a little OCD. 

Anyways, those are just a couple of things I've done so far, hopefully I'll get more done eventually. However I didn't realize how close I was to moving until I wrote this post and I'm thinking it might not be worth it until I'm in my new room...

Comment below: what's your favorite part of Spring?

Have a Wonderful Spring Day!

Mia B <3


  1. the amount of times my cats have played with flowers haha! its so cute to look at, but so sad when they get ruined! i'd love it if youd comment back xx

    1. I get so mad at mine, they ruin everything but they're so adorable, one look and I melt :)
      Just commented back Xx
