Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekly Goals

Hello there!

I saw several lovely posts last Monday with weekly goals and wishes, I'm fairly sure this is a collaborative post but I thought it was such a good idea, I wanted to do my own. I love making goals, I always feel far more productive so here's my week's goals!

Get back to Morning Runs

I usually run every morning before school however a couple of super tiring weekends and I've lost my morning routines. I love going on morning runs, it's the perfect way to wake up and keeps me healthy and fit so next week I want to go running at least 4 mornings. 

Practice Guitar Everyday

I try to do this but I always ending up missing a few days out of my week but I want to make it a habit to practice every single day. It's the only way to get better, right? I want to be the best me I can be and I really want to improve my guitar playing so this is important.

Life Planning Session

I'm going to graduate high school soon, which is a pretty big deal. I'm not going to university next year but I'm going to attempt to follow my dreams, and to do that I'm going to have to work really hard. So I need to spend a few hours with a notebook figuring out all of the things I need to do in this crazy plan which leads to my next goal...

Make a Vision Board

I've been wanting to make one for awhile, just something to remind me everyday that I want to be someone great, who followed their dreams, and to better myself as much as possible. Mine will be filled with lots of quotes and pictures of my life dreams/goals like guitars and notebooks.

Anyways those are some of the things I'm really hoping to accomplish this week, because if not this week then when?

What are your goals for the week? Tell me in the comments below!

Have a Wonderfully Fulfilling Day!

Mia B <3

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