Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Review: Covergirl Exact Eyelights Eye-Brightening Waterproof Mascara

Hello there!

It's really late and I procrastinated and now I'm writing, it's been a crazy day and I'm really hoping what I write doesn't end up sounding crazy...
Exact Eyelights Eye-Brightening Waterproof Mascara

So, walking into a drugstore looking for makeup for the first time, an uneducated 15 year old girl picks up a mascara that sounds like it's the best thing in the world and finds out that it may be the worst. Yes, the Covergirl mascara was the first one I ever picked out. I thought waterproof was always necessary (wrong!) and that this eye-brightening product would make everything look amazing (also, very, very wrong). 

I now know the secrets of the best drugstore mascaras and the fact that it is always helpful to read a review or two before buying a product, this would have helped me so much as I've now read several reviews that report the same problems as I had. The mascara clumps all of your eyelashes together into about 5 solid uneven, disgusting lashes, it smudges literally everywhere and I still didn't notice a difference in any shimmer or eye-brightening effects the product may have had. I was extremely unimpressed but as a first one it was absolutely terrible as I didn't know that it looked terrible until I started paying attention to other girls who had these full yet defined, beautiful lashes. 

I definitely would not ever buy this again or recommend it to anyone else.

Although, I'm pretty sure only the people who bought it in the shade black pearl had the clumping problem. Yet 75% of people had the removal problem. I wish I could show the results I had but I've long since thrown it away. Trial and error is the only way, right? I'm now a Maybelline mascara girl all the way...

Anyways, sorry about my little rant there, I was getting quite caught up in my extreme dislike for this product... naive little me. 

What's your favorite mascara? Leave me a comment below! I'd love to read

Have a Wonderful Day!
Mia B <3

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