Friday, December 13, 2013

Things I Don't Understand About Blogging

Hello there!

So I've been investing a lot more time recently into my blogging and it's been really fun but I've come to find that with more understanding of the wonderful thing comes even more confusion and questions so here are some of the things I have yet to understand about the world of blogging... enjoy!

Google+ and Google Friend Connect

I have this little widget on the right of my blog but it doesn't look quite like other's does and I have no idea how to find theirs though I've searched through the list about a million times. And I really can't find Google Friend Connect and when I tried to use it on someone else's blog I was hopelessly lost. I feel like a huge amateur for admitting all of this confusion but I pretty much am ;)

The Amazing Photography

So I am not rich, I'm blogging from a 6 year old breaking down laptop and use my iPhone for any and all pictures, which can take pretty good ones but not DSLR quality. Then I go onto other blogs and they have these absolutely beautiful pictures taken with a stunning camera. A new Canon is 3rd on my wishlist (a new MacBook and Guitar precede it) but I probably won't be able to afford a camera for quite awhile. It kind of baffles me how so many have such beautiful pictures...

The Creativity

Thinking of new blog posts, unique ones (something other than OOTD, review, or tags) is a daily struggle for me. And actually finding ways to execute all of these posts is even harder. But everyday I see such amazing, unique and creative posts and ideas from so many amazing bloggers. It always baffles me how they do it :)

Graphic Design

I always see these absolutely amazing headers and beautiful collages and organized lists that I don't think I could ever recreate. Though I'm going to attempt a header sometime soon as I've just been recommended a site to try out for a header... wish me luck!

The Planning

This week I was rather ahead but then I ran out of ideas and now I'm writing this right as I should be posting this and I have absolutely no idea what pictures to post with this. While other bloggers will have the photography and editing done days ahead of posting time and it baffles me, it really does


Apparently my blogger thinks I live in the UK, I don't know if this is the same for other American or non-British bloggers but my days start at 4 PM instead of midnight, so I'm generally posting at 4 AM according to Blogger but it's really around 8 PM and I clearly wrote that I live in the US but Blogger doesn't seem to understand. 

Being such a new blogger there are about a million other things that I really don't understand but I feel like this is a sufficient list for one post. I hope this didn't sound offensive to anyone else, there are like a million (37140 overall and 2878 beauty) other blogs that are way better than mine and I'm just really baffled at their awesomeness :)

(and yes I realize I've said baffled a lot but it's just such a fun word!)

Comment below if you've had any of these confusions or anything you don't understand about this wonderful world of blogging!

Have A Wonderful Day!
Mia B <3

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