Thursday, September 19, 2013

Binder/Life decoration

Hello there!

Today after my long day at school (I actually got to go home an hour early so not that long) I'm wondering what to write about and decided to show you guys the way I organized my binder because I'm quite proud of it. It really reflects some of my favorite things and large parts of my life hence the life decoration part...

For the front I didn't want any words because I wanted it to reflect my love of photography along with all of the things the pictures reflect...
Guitar- just my humongous love of music, instruments, singing, listening, the whole 9 yards, also the biggest one because that's my favorite thing in the whole world
Cat on MacBook- this was a 2 birds, 1 stone situation because I absolutely love cats, like I talk about them a lot in my day and Apple products are my absolute favorite though if you've read my other products you'd easily be able to tell. I have an iPad, getting an iPhone tomorrow when it releases and asking for a MacBook Pro for graduation this year. I also really love the internet but there's more on that later on... It's also a really cool picture in general
Stadium- this is an Ed Sheeran concert, one of my favorite artists and songwriters and my dream life, I really love concerts
Beach- I absolutely love going to the beach, even if I don't swim I find it so calming and wonderful, I took this one in Maui last year on my favorite vacation ever where I got to snorkel which I love doing during summer, which I love
Snowy forest- Took this one at my house in WA, we lived in a big forest and it was so much fun to explore around there, I also really love winter and fall, everything about them, I love all seasons but I thought this would be a nice representation of my love of seasons, forest, and snow
I wanted the back to be all of quotes because I thoroughly enjoy reading quotes and tend to live my life by quotes I've read and enjoyed. These are some of my favorites...
Internet Kids Never Sleep- this is an edit by Connor Franta, my favorite Youtuber and it applies to my life because I try to balance my entire life with being on the internet so much I tend not to sleep too much, but I love it, living on  and it's a very nice edit overall
I Am and Always- this is a quote from Doctor Who, one of my favorite TV shows, even if it makes me a geek I love it, and this describes me immensely, I try to always be an optimist because I need hope, even if I'll be let down later right now I want to be happy and have hope and I will forever be the person who dreams the most outlandish, crazy, and wonderful dreams and I wouldn't trade all this for the world
Collect Moments, Not Things- This one, well first was well done, I mean this edit is amazing but the quote is extremely relevant to everyone because we are all so obsessed with our things, and I'm not saying I'm excluded from this because I'm completely obsessed with my things. And that's the exact reason I put this one on here, because I still need to remember that experiences are so much more important than possessions
not all who wander are lost- I love to travel, it's so much fun and I love to go new places and experience new things, even if I'm completely lost and just wandering around, I think the experience is completely worth it.
I'm intimidated by the fear of being average- Taylor Swift quote, and it really is my biggest fear. All I can think about when people ask me what I want to be when I grow up is "extraordinary", it may sound cheesy but I like it
So yeah, that's how I've summed up my life in 2 pages worth of pictures and a few words and I hope you guys enjoyed looking at all of these. Now I have to go deal with attempting to scramble at the last minute and figure out a way to buy myself an iPhone tomorrow morning despite about 4 big challenges at the moment. Wish me luck!
Have a wonderful day!
Mia B<3

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