Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wishlist Wednesday!

Saw this on 2 other blogs on Bloglovin and thought it would be a nice thing to try... just sharing my current wishlist with you guys. May not do this every Wednesday but I may, let me know if you guys like it! :)

1. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder

I saw this in Zoella's video this week on school and believe I saw it in MacBarbie07's too (both on Youtube) and it seems like an amazing idea. After being out in the heat for awhile or if you get naturally "shiny"(oily/sweaty) overtime just throw on a dab of this and it all goes back to matte. Especially helpful since I currently have to go through PE (gettin all sweaty) and live in one of the hottest states in the US, believe we were in the 90's this week, I know I would love a bit of this.


Can we just all marvel at the beauty of these things right here? They make me so happy. After so long without them I want one now. Like RIGHT NOW. I sold my old broken phones and got $200 for them so I can actually buy them, I just need them to be physically released. NEXT FRIDAY. I really can't believe it. You will find me at the Verizon store that day, even if I have to sit there at midnight, even if I have to beg my mom to let me skip school for a few periods, I'm getting this phone. But as of now it will just stick on my wishlist.

3. This iPhone case

Iphone 5 Case Infinity Love Iphone Cover, Best Forever Love Iphone Cases

They say that any 5 cases should work on the 5s and this is my favorite case however I also loved this vintage camera one:

Vintage Camera Design iPhone 4 case, iphone 4s Case, iPhone 5 case, Hard iphone case cover, Ipod Touch 4 Case, iPod touch 5 case, phone case

and this cat one: (you know me...)

iPhone 5 case, Keep Calm and Love Cats, custom cell phone case, Original design

All found on Etsy which is my absolute favorite place to look for cases. They have a million to fit absolutely any personality/hobby/etc.

4. These adorable White Converse
Classic white
Saw these in a Nordstrom store about a year ago and fell in LOVE. But I recently noticed them again on Pinterest and fell in love all over again. I know they would be adorable with some skinny jeans and would die to finally get them. I love them so so so much. I want them. Simply beautiful.

5. Lorde's EP The Love Club

I have fallen in love with her and all of her music, listening to it as much as I possibly can on YouTube but I'm out of money :(... Hopefully I'll have some more next week and I can finally buy her epically awesome music. :)

So there's what I've been especially pulling towards this past week or so and would absolutely love to buy, if I can. Only one I'm getting for sure is the iPhone but hope to attain the others!

Anything you guys have been looking at a lot this week? Leave em in the comments :)

Have a wonderfully awesome day!
Mia B <3

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