Sunday, September 1, 2013

Inspirational Sunday #4

Role Models!

I decided to write about this today because of last week's VMAs and everybody's different opinions on Miley Cyrus's performance. So when I was 9 years old, all the way back in 2006 I started watching an amazing show called Hannah Montana. I loved that show so much I never missed a beat. Mostly because I had this huge dream and Miley/Hannah was living her dream, I always wished like crazy that I could've been Hannah Montana. And I'm not going to lie, Miley Cyrus was a HUGE role model of mine. I absolutely adored her.

Seeing my childhood role model do that on stage last weekend wasn't the greatest thing but it's her life and her decisions. I try really hard to live my life in a state of "I'll do me, you do you", which really includes not judging people. I don't think that it was right to do what she did and if I was her you would never see me doing that but in another way it was her choice, her decision, her life and I think that people judge other's lives WAY too much.

Now, just because she was my role model doesn't mean she still is and doesn't mean you will EVER see me twerking anywhere, especially not public television. We choose our role models because they are who we aspire to be. We look up to them because we love them. Now if someone's role model is Miley Cyrus than her actions probably won't change that person that much. They already wanted to be like that, their role model only gave them more ideas.

Personally, my current role model is Taylor Swift because I think she is always kind and graceful and keeps  a wonderful public image, if she started going off the deep end I wouldn't see her as much of a role model anymore and definitely wouldn't start copying her if I didn't agree with her decisions.

I also think that Miley's career is becoming more of a joke to a lot of people but she has a lot of fans who are inspired by her willingness to be who she wants to be and not care what everyone else thinks. Now even though I don't agree with the provocative nature of her performance, I think that this idea/moral is really good and more people should think about it. So many hold themselves back from who they really are because they care so very much about what everybody else thinks. We all do it, even me, promise. It sucks but it always happens and I think that that specific part of who she is and who she stands for is very important and inspiring. However, if I start seeing little kids twerking in public, we'll have more to talk about.

I know this post wasn't pretty or as nice as some are but I hope it was still inspiring in some way or really just made you think in general. What are your opinions on Miley and her performance last week? Leave them in the comments and I will talk to you all tomorrow with a far more pretty and nice piece.

Have a wonderfully inspiring day!
Mia B <3

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