Sunday, September 22, 2013

Inspirational Sunday #7

Hello there!
So it's been a crazy busy week which I absolutely love but with so much going on a million things always go wrong and challenges always happen and this week especially, I've been having to figure out how to let go of frustration and stress and let things go so I thought this would be a good topic for this week's inspiration. This is also my 7th Inspirational Sunday which means I've had this blog for 8 weeks now, weird, doesn't seem like it's been that long... :)
This is probably in my top 10 most thought of quotes because so much happens in my life constantly that I have absolutely no control over and it sucks and I hate it but I have to always remember to let all of the worry and stress from these things go. Me worrying or stressing out will probably just annoy everyone and won't help the problem at all.
I had some stress over getting my phone because I stayed up to buy this iPhone and make sure I could get one soon and get the white/gold color I wanted but at the last second (literally midnight) the way to pay for the iPhone was messed up because someone didn't communicate with someone else. I got so annoyed, I was about to call that person and yell for awhile but decided not to. I was frustrated that one person was ignorant and messed it up but it's just a phone, granted I kind of live on my phone, but it's just some material thing that doesn't matter all that much in the scheme of things.
That person is close to me and I wouldn't want them to damage that relationship because of a material possession. I just kept on thinking the next day, collect moments not things. I know that later on I'll have some amazing moments, while my phone isn't that big of a deal. It's so easy to get caught up in all the stress and frustration of life that we forget about all that really matters, hope you don't :)
Anyways, hope you guys aren't as bad as I am and that these 2 edits, some of my absolute favorite quotes, have helped you out in some way. Hope that everyone's as excited for fall and fall week starting tomorrow as I am!
Have a wonderfully inspirational day,
Mia B <3
PS: In the end my dad went around and found the very last iPhone in WA state and sent it all the way to CA overnight, something I'm very grateful for and in a few weeks when the iPhone stock is back up that person is going to buy the white/gold one I wanted and will receive the black one. Which looking back is such a petty problem but in my defense I was more mad that the person hadn't cared enough to tell me the problem and I also thought I wouldn't get an iPhone at all for a few weeks.

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