Sunday, September 15, 2013

Inspirational Sunday #6

Hello there!
So last night I'm so cool that I stayed home with my sister and watched a movie from my childhood!... Like I normally do Saturday nights :)
Anyways we decided to watch Bridge to Terebithia last night which I love but I hate because I always end up tearing up. But through the movie, although sometimes the kids act like they're high, they have these crazy, wonderful imaginations with so much creativity that it's absolutely mental even when one of the parents discourages it. I love to write and I love music, to me they're arts, something we NEED creativity for. My pinterest bio says I live on creativity which I thought was quite clever because I love creativity so much. So today I would like to talk about creativity and how important it is.
This is one important lesson I know I had to learn the hard way. When you are so scared  to try new things that you don't do it, you lose so much in life. This blog might be wrong but I love writing these posts, I love being creative and thinking of new things to write everyday, and I love talking to you guys so much that I've given up worrying about if it's wrong. I just do my absolute best and hope you all enjoy what I write because I do work hard on them all and I love all of the creativity I get to put into my posts and that I get to read in other's blogs as well.

I'm an extremely logical person however there is a way to separate the logic in your life from a creative imagination, and I think anyone who can do that can do anything. Imagining a better life is so great and having the logic to make whatever you've thought up a reality is truly beautiful and something to marvel at. Sometimes we get so caught up in the logic of our everyday lives that we forget to always imagine new heights and dream new, crazy dreams. The craziest dreams are usually the best and even if they sound crazy now, they're usually what everyone else gapes at in the future because they can't believe you've done something incredible. I hope that everyone has that idea in their head, to dream improbable dreams.

I absolutely love this one because intelligence is amazing and you can think of things others never would but when you someone is using their imagination you can tell they're intelligent about that thing. Albert Einstein was a very intelligent person and he was incredibly imaginative about physics, which he enjoyed  a lot. So he had fun creating all of his wild theorems and I hope we can all find that thing we love and be wildly imaginative about it and have fun with the possibilities which are always endless.
Anyways, I hope that was inspiring. I love to dream and imagine, like I said I live on creativity, I don't know what I'd do without it so writing about any of it to anyone just makes me happy and I have so much fun doing it. Leave a comment with any thoughts you have on it, any ideas you have for Inspirational Sundays, or ideas for my normal posts!
Have a wonderfully creative day,
Mia B <3

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