Friday, November 8, 2013

5 Reasons I Love Ombré Hair

Hello there!
I dyed my hair ombré a few weeks ago, the normal brown to blonde, and I am absolutely in love with it. So today I thought I would tell you 5 reasons why
1. I have 3 different colors in my hair
To me this is so cool like my hair is several tones. It looks so interesting in fishtail braids and mostly any other hairstyle. I think it's quite unique (even though everyone is doing it now) and my indecisiveness agrees with being able to choose 3 different things rather than 1.
2. I can finally pull off blonde

If I had lighter skin I'm sure I might be able to pull off a full head of blonde hair but with my olive skin, I know that is never an option. But having blonde ends gives me the fun color without having it contrast with my darker skin color and look weird (at least I hope).

3. Blondie without root damage
When I got blonde highlights years ago, my entire head of hair got damaged and I was so sad because my curls still have the blonde damage from them about halfway down my mane. But when I got this done I was specific about my wonderful stylist not bleaching any farther up than the previous damage so my roots are still looking healthy and the only thing that's damaged is what already was.
4. Easy maintenance
Current wet hair situation

The only thing I have to do with blonde is use color shampoo and since I wouldn't let them cut as far up as I should have with my dead ends I have to use a moisturizer. But to me this is so easy, with all of the random skin, hair, and beauty products stock piled in my bathroom, using an different shampoo is easy as pie.
5. It doesn't grow out
This has to be my favorite, because my roots are still my natural color, I won't get that embarrassing root grow in. The blonde will just slowly start moving down and when I need a trim I just go get more blonde put on and life is good.
So that's 5 reasons why I love my current hair color and this wasn't like me convincing you, just wanted to talk about it for a minute since I've been loving it so much, hope you enjoyed!
What color is your hair? Got any bragging you'd like to do about it? Tell me in the comments below!
Have a Wonderful Day!
Mia B <3

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