Sunday, November 17, 2013


Hello there!

So I've had a bit of a unique week but I still wanted to post today. Even though I ended Inspirational Sundays a few weeks back, I still think Sundays are a good day to talk about deep life-related things so today I wanted to talk about being an optimist. Everything I say in this post may not be true for every optimist as I don't know too many who have as positive views as I but I think they cover the general bits.

I know many pessimists and realists who think I'm completely and utterly insane for thinking like this but I don't know any other way to go about my life because without my optimistic views, I start to lose hope in everything. I think I would just get extremely depressed and count down the days left in life, which I hate doing.

The easiest way to depress me or most other optimists is to bring up death. Mostly because being an optimist I look forward to the future and accomplishments that could be made and good times that could be had. But death isn't anything good to look forward to and thinking about it reminds me that I could die any second and that is probably the most depressing thing in life. I could lose everything and cease to exist, I am honestly terrified of death and I'm not ashamed of that, I think it's perfectly rational, but it is a large weakness because I am capable of depressing myself with a single thought.

Oh how I love Doctor Who

One thing I hate (something I believe has to do with optimism) is people breaking promises. For me, at least, it leaves me to grow distrust and lose hope in them and the state of the world. I realize how dramatic that sounds but I've had it happen to me so often and I build up all of this hope in something somebody says, something they promise, and I get devastated when that hope is shattered.

I guess that's why others think I'm naïve and my views almost stupid. Because I'm willing to dream and hope and see the absolute best in people and I get so devastated when the world proves me wrong. But for me, I can't help but do it. I feel like all of that hope and those dreams are what keep me determined and they allow me to stay happy, even if an occasional depression follows.

I stay happy most of the time, I can't even help it. I know so many who go about their life in the most boring of states but I choose to stay this way and let myself down because most of the time I find so much enjoyment in life and only hope to brighten the lives of others.

I've only now noticed how much of a rant I went off on! Hope I didn't bore anyone! I'll be back with a beauty post tomorrow but thought that a deeper post would be nice for a change.

Anyways, Got any thoughts on this whole optimism thing? Are you an optimist, pessimist, realist, etc? Leave your answers in the comments below!

Have a Wonderfully Bright Day!
Mia B <3

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